Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mystery book 2016

I am writing my 4th book. It should be done by 2016. It is another murder mystery that takes place in the Southwest. These heinous crimes are still unsolved. I hope my book shines some light on these crimes so they can catch the murderer.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Donations - Todd Hemming Books

Donations - Todd Hemming Books

These donations will be used strictly for web server and maintenance fees. It will also be used to pay staff to keep the web site current.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rough Draft

I have finished a rough draft of my 4th book. The characters in this book are Truck Drivers, Pimps, and Prostitutes and some law enforcement officials. It is about a current mystery still going on in the Southwest. I give some insight on who might be responsible for these killings in the desert.
It also connects these characters in one of the most heinous crime scenes in the Southwest.
These crimes are still unsolved and if my book helps law enforcement catch the killer I will be happy.
I am planning on releasing it on Kindle and maybe paperback by 2013.
I have been working on this novel for two years and I just want to get it completed and made available to the public.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Smiley Face Killer

I believe my book "College Predator Missing College Students," published in 2006 will give some insight into the Smiley Face Killer Mystery. I give a possible scenario of what happens to all of the missing college students in Minnesota and Eastern Wisconsin.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I am still working on my 4th book. I am still going to finish it. I am doing some more research for the book. My 4th book also takes place in the southwest. I believe it will cause some controversy or attention after it is published.
Keep writing and shooting for the stars.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

4th Thriller Book

I am currently writing my 4th book. It will be about all of the missing victims along our highway
systems. The characters include Truck Drivers, Prostitutes, Pimps, and the FBI. It takes place in the Southwest and might give a possible scenario where all these missing victims end up.
I am talking with an editor and she will edit my book when it is done.
I will then submit some query letters to publishers with a polished manuscript in my hand. I want to find a more traditional publisher for this book so they can help me with the marketing aspect.
I also want to thank anyone who purchased any of my prior books. My website is toddhemmingbooks if you need more information about me and my published books.
Keep writing and shooting for the stars.
T. A. Hemming